Insomnia is a sleep disorder, in which an inability to fall asleep. Serotonin and Melotinin hormones responsible for regulating various functions i.e. sleep, apetite, mood etc., Serotonin is a precursor to Melotonin i.e. the body can convert serotonin into melotonin and which is then stored in the pineal gland. Both hormones are made up of amino acids.
Symptoms you may find:
- Taking sleeping pills / alcohol to fall asleep
- Exhausting sleep
- Concentration difficulties during the day
- Waking up too early in the morning
- Trouble getting back to sleep when awakened
Insomnia in its initial stages, can be cured by changing the habits that disrupts sleep. It could be watching tv late nights, studying nights or internet browsing etc. You can overcome sleeplessness by adopting new pattern of habits that helps you make sleep well.
If you still not able to overcome i.e. chronic worriers of
Insomnia....having tried all the treatments and seek an expert help, If you
think that Insomnia:
-- not respond to self-help strategies
-- major problem in performing routine, regular or
functional activities
-- experiencing symptoms like chestpain, shortness of breath
Don't wait as the causes may be anxiety, depression,
self-defeating thoughts, chronic stress, anxiety, post traumatic stress
disorder.......? Your expert doctors may be able to diagnose.....
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Sailaja Pisapati
Psychologist, Hypnotherapist and Family-Marriage Therapist
Mobile: 08464997601