Sunday, 20 October 2013

Psychological and Emotional Trauma

Hi Friends,

Our life would be flat if we did not feel anger, joy, love sorrow and such emotions.  Emotions basically involves:
  • Cognitive Component - a subjective conscious experience
  • Physiological Component  - bodily arousal
  • Behavioral Component - characteristic overt expression. 

How do you define Emotion? Is it a Feeling? Then what is a Feeling?
Its very difficult to define these terms and understand as the debate is on and on...

Let me make it simple, we can understand emotions, referring to a state of feeling that involves thoughts, bodily changes and overt expression or behavior.  But what comes first, whether thought, physiological arousal or the behavior or it's just exist in a vacuum? 

Any Emotional event is the result of extreme stressful events that makes you feel helpless and vulnerable and shatter your sense of security.

Emotion is a highly subjective experience and we have to rely on verbal reports of what people experience. The hypothalamus, amygdala, the adjacent structures in the limbic area are viewed as seat of emotions. Relatively little is known about neurotransmitters involved in emotions, though Dopamine is seen to play a role in pleasant emotions.   Emotions are considered to support motivated behavior.  Emotions have adaptive significance and help in social interaction including communication.  So, it is very important in social life to judge emotions of others accurately.  Some emotions are considered as basic.  It requires information about not only what people say they feel, but also how they respond physically and behaviorally.  Emotions are functional and adaptive.  

Emotional and Psychological Trauma:
If any one have gone through a traumatic experience, struggling with upsetting emotions, memories that frightens, a sense of constant danger, unable to trust others, feeling disconnected, numb and such other symptoms, you may approach a Psychologist to get the right treatment, self help strategies for your speed recovery, event might happened yesterday or an year back.

In the next article, we will go through more about this....

Sailaja Pisapati
Psychologist and Family-Marriage Therapist
Mobile No.8464997601

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